
Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Players In Playa

.....What started out as a small group blossomed into a party crew of over 30 going to Playa Del Carmen (sorry Mark!)
Great fun was had by all. From DFW on the funjet plane(which we almost filled) the fun began.

Our days were spent exploring that area of Mexico otherwise untouched (well by us)
...and our nights were all about the good food, even better Margaritas and partying til the wee hours.
Ok...ok... my "wee hours" were in the 3-4am range and not the 6-7am range like some of our hardcore buddies but with a hubby instant on waking me at 8am sharp I had my own curfew this trip.
The beach at Playa is beautiful and we posed like..well...erm Posey people at Mamitas beach club; which woulda seemed more at place in South beach that here on the Mexican coastline.

With its Urber-cool Mexico Cityites shaking their butts to the Dj, and the four poster sun loungers we felt like Way Cool.

One of the day trips involved the local ferry to Wilma stricken Cozumel. Not a bad day out and cheap as chips to do.

Only problem was some of our crew had no sea legs and weak land lubbing stomachs ( Ana and Karl!) and they paid the price later.
I have to say I was more likely to get ill from the dodgy Mariachi band on board....and why was a Ronald Mc Donald look alike part of a band anyways???
With childhood vacations spent crossing the English channel on a P&O ferry I have a stomach of steel !

The second days adventure proved to be a little taxing. I had promised Karl we would hit some ruins and Coba beckoned. Ruins you can climb on and further off the beaten track?... we had to get there.
Unfortunately we made it as far as Tulum and then hit a problem. All the buses had stopped running for the day, All the rental cars were gone gone gone, the taxis were a rip-off and Karl refused to let us hitchhike.
We were stuck. Plan A,B,C and D had been exhausted...
Luckily we met a local girl at lunch who made some quick calls and got us a bargain cab fare. All five of us had to squeeze in and duck if we passed a police car but we made it in one piece and it was so worth it just to see karls happy shiny face!
The ruins weren't too bad. I thought after Tikal I woulda been too spoilt to enjoy then but the climb up the big pyramid was quite tough and worth doing
Pallins observation "well, where's the jungle" did have a ring of truth in it as the "jungle was remarkable scrubby and not too jungely but still...

The nightlife was good and we hit a different club each night. My favorite evening being At Club Bali.
It wasn't your typical beach club but had air-con. Yay!!!
The music ranged from Deep House to Black eyed which point Chris (ever the DJ) made "I-will-slit-your-throat-if-you-don't-put-the-techno-back-on" signs.
The Dj refusing be told what to do by this gringo then proceeded to play YMCA and I Will Survive...much to Chris' outrage and our amusement !!!
By 4am we were the only non locals in the joint and everyone know the music but us as they sang along drunkenly to what I can only assume to be mexicos answer to Back street boys.
Ah, a fun night

Ps And as for the rumours floating around...Something about a make-out game with "tough" challenges !???....hmmmmmm....what about the story of some chicas skinny dipping....being kidnapped...hitchhiking in just a towel ??!!!! Whats the story of the "noomyenoh"...the mysterious WWF masks??...and why did one of our crew show up on the return flight in a wheelchair ???

Well I guess you just had to be there....sorry my lips are sealed. "What happens in Mexico stays in Mexico!!"

Its all about Britgirl

My photo
Im a Brit who took a "Gap year" in 1994 and has yet to return. Whatever happens Im always be a gypsy at heart. Enjoy my adventures!